

Choose your Electrical Contractor Wisely.

Tips for Electrical Safety in Hamilton, Dundas, Ancaster, Waterdown, Stoney Creek, Grimsby, Burlington, Oakville, Milton & Cambridge


Choose your Electrical Contractor Wisely.

Tips for Electrical Safety in Hamilton, Dundas, Ancaster, Waterdown, Stoney Creek, Grimsby, Burlington, Oakville, Milton & Cambridge

Electricity is NOT a hobby!

Your home is giving you signs that it’s having electrical issues. Some outlets are discoloured, even blackened. You’ve noticed sparks when unplugging an electrical device or when turning a light switch on or off. A breaker keeps tripping and is not resetting. A light switch has stopped working or when lights are flickering. It’s time to call in the professionals, but how do you know which electrician to invite into your home? Is there some way to know who to trust?

Electricity is NOT a hobby. Put your trust in Apollo Electric. We’re proud to be recognized as a Member of the Electrical Safety Authority’s (ESA) Authorized Contractor Program (ACP), which is a not-for-profit corporation responsible for public safety in Ontario. The Program was developed by ESA to identify those Contractors who consistently perform Ontario Electrical Safety Code compliant work at a level that reinforces public electrical safety.

An advantage to hiring a Licensed Electrical Contractor as opposed to a handyman electrician is that the Contractor can take the additional steps of getting the required permits, receiving inspections on work or receiving any necessary safety certificate for the work performed. ESA is working to ensure that electrical installations in Ontario meet the Code requirements of the Ontario Electrical Safety Code. This Code requires that an application for inspection be filed with ESA for any electrical installations and wiring done in your home to ensure your safety.

Electrical safety for Ontario Homeowners includes:

• Using licensed electrical contractors: All electrical work in Ontario homes must be done by a Licensed Electrical Contractor (LEC).

• Following the Ontario Electrical Safety Code: All electrical work must meet the Ontario Electrical Safety Code.

• Filing notifications with the Electrical Safety Authority (ESA): Property owners must file notifications with the ESA before or within 48 hours of starting electrical work.

• Installing Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCIs): GFCIs should be installed in all outdoor outlets, especially around pools.

• Using weatherproof covers: Weatherproof covers should be used on all exterior plugs and outlets.

• Using tamper-resistant receptacles: Tamper-resistant receptacles should be installed to protect children from shocks.

• Keeping cords away from children: Cords should be kept away from children’s hands and mouths.

• Replacing damaged cords: Damaged cords should be replaced and extension cords should only be used temporarily.

• Getting electrical inspections: New or renovated homes should have electrical inspections, including trench, service/connection, and rough-in inspections.

Contact Apollo Electric with any questions regarding your home’s electrical safety.

Do you have questions regarding electrical safety around your home or workplace? Call Apollo Electric today. We will be happy to answer your questions. 905-921-5487

LICENSE # 7009372

Apollo Electric is a Licensed Electrical Contractor in Hamilton, Dundas, Ancaster, Waterdown, Stoney Creek, Grimsby, Burlington and Oakville

Apollo Electric Chosen as one of the TOP THREE Electricians in Hamilton

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